February 10th, 2014
This week we have were able to meet with Alberto Puertas, director of internships for BYU in Latin America, and Juan Leyva, director of the LDS employment services in this area, about teaching the SEED program to others in the Trujillo area. Brother Leyva was very happy with this idea and is eager to help us. Through him we will be able to find many students to help. We are going to start teaching twice a week at a nearby church which will give us enough time to teach all the material and help them develop a business plan. It's a very exciting opportunity for us and we're happy to help start this addition to the program.
This week we were able to meet with a few people. First we met with Carmen who has paid back her loan in full and the business is thriving. She fabricates pajamas, sport jerseys, and underwear. She is going to school to learn how to sew other things as well. Since her business is growing she's hoping to get another machine to keep with demand. Once we look at the numbers more we should hopefully be able to help her.
We met with Rudth who has been approved for a loan and just needs to buy all the materials. She is starting a sewing business where she'll focus on making polos and work uniforms. The loan will go towards buying the sewing machines and she will get all the material. It has been a longer process for her but it is now all coming together.
Jeanette is the lady who has dairy cows. She had a problem with paying this last month so we went to see what we could do to help. After looking at the information we saw that the business is doing fine, she had used the money for something else. We talked with her about it and she said she'll do better.
On Friday we had our first individual appointments in Huancaquito with the students from out in the fundo. We were able to meet with three individuals, and really started making progress with their business plans. Through individual appointments, we can more easily focus on the students personal needs, and take the time teach them how to write their business plans.

To celebrate the end of the long workweek, we spent the night in Huanchaco, camping on the beach under the starlit sky. We passed the time playing games and roasting marshmallows, and just having a good time. In the morning, we enjoyed a sunny day on the beach before returning home sunburned from head to toe. Lance even tried surfing for the first time ever.
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