Monday, November 4, 2013

Our First Classes!

This week was excellent! We finally got everything in order and to the point where we could start our classes and that is exactly what we did. We were able to spend a few days at DanPer notifying all of the workers that had been chosen and getting them passes so that their family members could enter into the plant. It was a pretty stressful situation because we had to locate over 30 workers, but it was all worth it on Thursday night.

Thursday night we had our Opening class where we congratulated all of the workers that were accepted and we were able to explain a few of the basics of the program and what we were going to expect from them. Elena did most of the explaining, but Katrina and I got our chance to talk and introduce ourselves, as well as a Alejandro and Javier who are two important leaders in DanPer.

We had about 50 people there, so not all of the workers showed up, but we were happy with the outcome and we are excited to finally get things moving. We will have our first teaching class tonight where we will go over the basics of loaning and our policy of what we expect from them and how the loans will function.

The class preparation took up most of our week, but we were still able to keep up with a few of our business. Rudth is still pricing a few things and getting things figured out to the point that we can start getting her some money. She is working super hard to cut cost and find ways that she can provide us with collateral. She is great and a super hard worker so we know she can do it and we help in all that we can.

This Friday was a holiday so we didn't have to work! We took it easy most of the day but were lucky enough to get invited to a Halloween party with a couple of American church members where we ate sugar cookies and played some fun games. It was for sure the highlight of our long weekend.


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