Monday we met with Rudth who has always been so dedicated to making her project work. She comes prepared and ready to cover some ground, and she has one of the most complete projects we currently work with. We are excited for her. Thursday and Friday we spent a significant amount of time working with Juan Valle and Anita (different projects) to determine specific costs associated with their businesses. We are happy to report that they are both nearly finished on their cost projections. We also worked diligently to make realistic estimates on their revenue projections. Both plans have also seen amazing growth. During the other days of the week, Doug and I spent hours on working out details on financial projections for each of the plans. We want these to be as ready as possible for the summer group of students coming in mid-June. We couldn't be more excited for these amazing people to see their projects come to life. Nothing would make our work more rewarding.
Unfortunately, we received an unexpected call this week as well. After so much work and time put into her plan, one of the women called to say she would not be continuing with her project. She is experiencing some personal difficulties that have rendered her project dismissed for the time being.
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